A Blog dedicated to showing how the actions of Scott Wiener are a threat to the people living in San Francisco's District 8. If there are any omissions or errors, feel free to contact this blog.
(Note: District 8 was Harvey Milk's district when he was Supervisor. Harvey Milk was the first "out" elected Gay official in America. Harvey Milk was assassinated in 1978.)
1. Wiener is a threat to your economic security.
Thomas Coates! Thomas Coates! Thomas Coates!
You may be asking yourself: Who is Thomas Coates?
Answer. Thomas Coates is a Southern California multi-multi millionaire real estate magnate.
Thomas Coates spent one million dollars on a California statewide initiative to end local rent control in California. This initiative was soundly defeated by the voters. In 2010, Thomas Coates formed a Political Action Committee (PAC) and gave $200,000 for the benefit of 4 ultra-reactionary candidates for Board of Supervisors. Scott Wiener was one of these candidates. $200,000 is a huge amount of money for district race (population about 90,000 persons). . . . This PAC story broke only a couple of days before the November 2010 election. The nature of news cycles caused this story to more-or-less disappear. However, the story can still be Googled-up. Scott Wiener won that election with only 40% of the first choice votes.
2/3 of the households of San Francisco District 8 like most the rest of the City are renters. Of the condo/home owners, only a very few are of the landlord class. Most condo/homeowners are former renters with a little extra cash and of need of some tax breaks and empathize with renters. They never plan to rent their properties.
Why are we now seeing huge numbers of Ellis Act Evictions and threats of Ellis Act Evictions? The Ellis Act allows a speculator to buy a building, evict the tenants, and sell the units as tenants-in-common units. The evicted have included a 94 year-old tenant, families, and tenants of over 50 years. Why hasn't there been a strengthening of rent control protections? Why haven't properties built since 1979 been added to the rent control property rolls? Why haven't real estate speculation taxes been enacted? Surely, 80% of the households in District 8 would like the answer to these questions. Or, is the answer: Thomas Coates is your Supervisor? Who would Harvey Milk vote for?
2. Wiener is owned by the big developers who are Manhattanizing downtown and Soma and Wilshire Boulevardizing Upper Market.
Wiener supported the 8 Washington high-rise view-blocking luxury condo project which was voted down by the voters and opposed by the local residents, local Supervisor David Chiu and past local Supervisor Aaron Peskin. Against the public interest, he opposed a recently passed initiative that would require any development that would exceed existing height limits on Port of San Francisco property to obtain voter approval. After an extensive inquiry, a recent San Francisco Civil Grand Jury report found that too much Port and San Francisco property was going to developers at the "exclusion of robust public input."
The developers want to make a cold, sterile City and take away the small, village neighborhood atmosphere that drew many of us to San Francisco and the reason many of us remain here. Who would Harvey Milk vote for?
3. Wiener is a threat to your voting rights.
His first major act as Supervisor was sponsoring Proposition E on the 2011 ballot. Proposition E would allow the Board of Supervisors to amend or suspend voter passed initiatives. Proposition E was soundly defeated by the voters. In civics class, we learned that the initiative process started because too many legislative bodies are in the control of wealthy special interests like Thomas Coates. Initiatives allow voters to bypass this oligarchical situation. Who would Harvey Milk vote for?
4. Wiener is a threat to your freedom of political and artistic expression.
Irony alert: Isn't being gay about the right to express one's true nature?
The intended consequence of the recently enacted, with the sponsorship of Scott Wiener, Nudity Ban Ordinance was the suppression of a Body Freedom Movement. The Body Freedom Movement is about naturalizing the human body and body parts and doing away with body shame and negative body image issues. It's about the right to be yourself and the right to express yourself. It's about accepting other people.
From a scientific poll, we know that 62% of San Franciscans have no problem with nonsexual public nudity. We know from polls in more mature, tolerant European countries that with government body freedom support and relaxed media body part censorship, the public nudity acceptance figure rises to 93%.
New York City now recognizes Body Freedom for public artistic, theatrical, and political expression. One Body Freedom activist District 8 candidate, George Davis, has been arrested twice, cited once, and threatened with arrest two times for making same obvious political speeches (nude) he has always made in San Francisco prior to the ban. He now has to make his only major political speech (nude) in Times Square in New York City on Wednesday, August 6, noon. Could this mean that New York City is moving culturally forward and San Francisco backward?
Who would Harvey Milk vote for?
5. Wiener opposes CEQA environmental review for big development projects. CEQA is a major public protection from rapacious developers. Shouldn't big developments be examined for problems?
6. On the inhuman level, Wiener had the benches used by the "homeless" above the Castro MUNI light rail station removed during a very, very, cold and rainy Christmas season. In fact, one wag called him, "The Grinch who stole the bench."
Does that sound like Harvey Milk?
7. We have reports that Wiener has attempted to subvert the Sunshine Ordinance by influencing the appointment of ineffectual commissioners. The Sunshine Ordinance is meant to open-up the business of government to public view. If true, this is very damning to Wiener's transparency and character. We welcome more information on this subject.
8. Wiener steals bus money from poor kids.
Unbelievable, but true. Wiener voted against the use of already appropriated money for free MUNI transportation for low income San Francisco youth. The Board of Supervisors still passed the measure.
Sound like something that Harvey Milk would do?
9. Wiener steals school kids lunch money.
Only, almost true. American and San Franciscan kids are in the midst of an obesity epidemic and a rise of youth diabetes. Instead of working to improve school lunch nutrition and improve school food desirability, he led a vote to allow food trucks to park near San Francisco middle and high schools. Great, kids get easier access to soda pop and potato chips.
We haven't been able to channel Harvey Milk's opinion on that one.
10. Few people really like Wiener. True, he is quite articulate, but considering what he does with it, is that really an asset. He may give the boy scout appearance of Jimmy Stewart in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington", but in reality he is quite arrogant and manipulative.
Harvey Milk was genuinely liked.
Voters. On election day, November 4, 2014, you have 3 ranked choices for Supervisor. We encourage no votes for Scott Wiener and choose 3 more representative candidates who are not a threat to your freedom, economic security, and City's future.
For more information on opposition candidates on the Internet:
1. Michael Petrelis - mpetrelis.blogspot.com/ + FaceBook
2. George Davis - www.supervisorgeorgedavis.wordpress.com
3. Tom Basso - as of June 30, 2014, no Internet presence
4. John Nulty - https://www.facebook.com/JohnNultySupervisor
One candidate said, "If I was a religious man like mom, I would say this guy is Satan himself."
The other candidate said, "Yes, and I'm expected to lose to him in the next election."
PS: Somebody please get a commitment from Wiener that should he win in the November election, he will not abandon his Board seat to run for Mark Leno's termed-out California State Senate seat. If he does go this route, a November election vote for Wiener doesn't even count. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown - oops - we mean Mayor Ed Lee, appoints a replacement Supervisor.
One candidate said, "If I was a religious man like mom, I would say this guy is Satan himself."
The other candidate said, "Yes, and I'm expected to lose to him in the next election."
PS: Somebody please get a commitment from Wiener that should he win in the November election, he will not abandon his Board seat to run for Mark Leno's termed-out California State Senate seat. If he does go this route, a November election vote for Wiener doesn't even count. San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown - oops - we mean Mayor Ed Lee, appoints a replacement Supervisor.
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